October 01, 2020 Polish your English skills with a VR tutor using content crafted by Rochelle Kopp
We’re delighted to announce a new collaboration: We have partnered with PlusOne Japan, creator of a unique VR-based English-learning platform Smart Tutor, to offer exclusive training content created by Japan Intercultural Consulting’s Managing Principal Rochelle Kopp.
Smart Tutor is a cutting-edge – and fun! — way to improve your English using virtual reality! This way you can practice with a teacher who never gets tired, and polish your skills in an ultra-realistic immersive environment.
You can repeat exercises as many times as you like until you can express yourself with ease. Smart Tutor’s artificial intelligence gives you feedback each time on the fluency of your delivery based on several factors, and provides tailored suggestions for improvement. The combination of coaching and practice will make you much more confident.
Smart Tutor lessons feature common business scenarios and detailed settings that will make you feel that you are actually in an executive boardroom, presentation hall, or business dinner. The characters in the scenarios have a variety of accents including American, British, Australian, Indian, German and Chinese, to realistically reflect the range of speaking patterns you are likely to encounter in the real-life world of business.
Smart Tutor users will also be able to access exclusive content created by Rochelle Kopp designed to help you in your interactions with non-Japanese colleagues, covering topics including team management, recruiting, and interviewing.
Users of Smart Tutor report that time spent practicing English on the platform flies by, and feels more like playing than studying, but with valuable results: Testing shows significant gains in speaking ability. See for yourself how Smart Tutor can help you make strides in your business English competence:
Click here if you would like to try Smart Tutor as an individual user.
Use code ROCHELLE for a discount on your first month’s subscription fee. By using the link above you can also take advantage of the 10 day free trial, a risk-free way to see how you like the technology.
Click here if you are a company that would like to explore offering Smart Tutor to your employees.
We are excited to offer this cutting-edge new technology to our clients and combine it with our know-how on improving communication in the workplace. We think you will really enjoy it.