About Us

Corporate profile

Company Name

Japan Intercultural Consulting

Managing Principal

Rochelle Kopp


Chicago (Headquarters) 
4000 W. Montrose #257, Chicago, IL 60641-2140 USA

Shiodome Shiba Rikyu Bldg. 21F, 1-2-3 Kaigan. Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022 JAPAN

St Georges House, 26 Princes Street, Norwich, NR3 1AE, UK

New York
321 Route 59, #62, Tallman, NY 10992 USA

Mexico City
Mexico City, MEXICO

Silicon Valley
514 Live Oak Lane, Emerald Hills, CA 94062 USA

187 Castlefield Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1G6 CANADA


Chicago (Headquarters) 07/07/1994
New York 06/01/1998
Tokyo 11/01/1999
Detroit 10/1/2001
London 04/01/2004
Mexico City 04/01/2006
Silicon Valley 07/16/2006

Team members

North America 15
Japan 15
Latin America 7
Asia Pacific 3

Areas of business

Cross-cultural training, teambuilding, coaching, organization and HR consulting, employee engagement and motivation, leadership and management skills training, productivity improvement, English skill development


Japan Intercultural Consulting is the leading global training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. We help clients increase profitability and employee engagement through improved communication and working relationships in multicultural environments. By working with us, our clients are better able to achieve their business goals.