Ucheol Ryu

Ucheol Ryu


Atami, Japan

Ucheol Ryu was born in Seoul, where he lived until he moved to Japan at 10 years old. After he was educated at a Japanese high school and graduated Waseda University majoring in Electrical Engineering, he worked for several prominent IT companies such as IBM Japan, Cisco Systems, SAP and Nokia for 36 years in total.

His roles at these companies were Software Engineer, Product Planning & Marketing, Head of Sales, and Head Manager responsible for Japan and North Asia.

The purpose of IT is to offer solutions to the problems that the organization or society faces. To address these problems, it is important to adapt the global standard technologies while also localizing the IT solution. In order to do that, it is essential to understand the cultural differences and navigate the solution toward the right direction.

In his work, Ucheol has optimized the state-of-art IT technologies and delivered them to the Asian market. He achieved this using his management leadership and communication skills to manage complex cross functional teams.

At JIC, Ucheol teaches courses on multi-cultural business communication and cross functional management communication. He is fluent in English and is a native speaker of Korean and Japanese.