February 01, 2025 New group for Japan-based Global HR professionals launching this Spring
Recently, more and more Japanese companies have been recognizing the importance of Global HR, leading many to establish or expand Global HR functions. Interacting with our clients working in this area, I have noticed that there isn’t a good way for people in Global HR to connect with each other, exchange ideas, and learn. Everyone seems rather isolated within their company, without a good way to find out what other companies are doing and what are the latest trends.
Fumie Hanazono, founder of the Human Resource Accreditation Institute in Tokyo, noticed the same thing when talking to participants in her organization’s credential courses. We talked about it and decided to start something to fill this need – GHR Connection.
A membership organization, GHR Connection will have a variety of programs throughout the year, from online learning sessions about emerging topics in Global HR to dynamic networking events in Tokyo.
GHR Connection will be a great way for you to connect with other Global HR professionals, enhancing your professional network and professional development.
You can find more information about the GHR Connection here. Membership details and signup are here (if you don’t hold HRAI’s GHR Professional certification, you’ll join as a General Member.)
We are having a free bilingual online information session on February 7th, details and registration are here.
Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar for our Kickoff session on March 5th in Toranomon Hills, including Japanese sake tasting. Details and registration are here.
And finally, as the first of GHR Connection’s monthly events, I’ll be leading a session on Mastering Cross-Cultural Communication: Essential Skills for Global HR Professionals” on April 7th. Details and registration are here.
Hope you will consider joining this exciting new community and I’m looking forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events. I’ve been sensing this need for awhile and am excited to bring this to life!