February 18, 2014 Succeeding in a Japanese Company — the JIC telesummit
I have some exciting news to share with you… this March, Japan Intercultural Consulting will be hosting our first-ever, exclusive online event that we’re calling the “Succeeding in a Japanese Company” telesummit:
It’s going to be a no cost, 3 week online training summit where I’ll be sharing the microphone with 12 of our Japan Intercultural Consulting subject matter experts, as they share their years of experience and extensive knowledge during a series of interviews to be broadcast March 4 through March 20, 2014.
Whether you are new to a Japanese company or have been there for a while, I bet that you have been puzzled and bewildered by some of the procedures and practices you have experienced.
With 12+ hours of interviews planned, we’re offering in-depth advice on topics that include:
Working with Your Japanese Boss • Becoming Part of the Team in Your Japanese Workplace • How to Keep Japanese from Falling Asleep in Your Presentation • How to Give and Receive Feedback in Japanese Culture • Understanding and Influencing Decision Makers in Your Japanese Company • How to Avoid Meeting Madness in Your Japanese Company • Same Words, Different Meanings — Effective Communication with Japanese
Sign up to attend the Succeeding at a Japanese Company Telesummit that kicks off on Tuesday, March 4th at www.JapanInterculturalTelesummit.com, and we’ll send you more details in the weeks ahead.
And you can listen to all 12 of the presenters online from your home or office computer, all you need is a high speed Internet connection.
So there’s no traveling, hotel bills, registration fees, or any other costs you might normally associate with a high-end business training event like this.
But I want to emphasize, only those who register in advance by signing up at
www.JapanInterculturalTelesummit.com will get the event details.
So I hope you’ll sign up right away, because you won’t want to miss this!