Answering questions in presentation meetings — Cross-Cultural Meetings part 17
Responding to questions skillfully is important in order to maintain a good image both for yourself and for the content you are presenting. Half the battle is to stay...
Responding to questions skillfully is important in order to maintain a good image both for yourself and for the content you are presenting. Half the battle is to stay...
Just because people are debating a point intensively or excitedly does not necessarily mean that harmful conflict is occurring...
Something mentioned in the conversation has sparked a train of thought that temporarily distracts you, when your attention returns to the discussion you realize that you have missed important information....
Choosing to use a language that others present do not understand may be viewed as intentionally being secretive and some of the participants who do not speak Japanese might feel...
What seems like a logical way of explaining things in Japanese may not necessarily seem logical in English. By switching to a more natural English discourse style, Japanese can...
Japanese are often quiet in meetings because they have trouble getting a word in edgewise. When things are moving too quickly, or too much slang or technical jargon is...
Digressions happen easily, particularly so in a meeting which is going well, because that’s when people are participating actively and contributing…The trick is how to handle the digression in a...
Brainstorming is improvisational, unplanned, and unstructured, and is designed to maximize the creativity…But if one doesn’t realize that brainstorming is happening, or doesn’t know the unwritten rules, it can be...
Not everyone feels comfortable speaking up in a meeting…And when cultural and language differences are added in, the situation becomes even more complicated....
Meetings can be the site for a variety of nonproductive, dysfunctional behaviors, such as cutting someone off, being argumentative, or making negative comments. If positive action is not taken...