The two way role of the Japanese expatriate
apanese expatriates must accept that their job is not simply to report back to Japan headquarters what is happening in the European subsidiaries...
apanese expatriates must accept that their job is not simply to report back to Japan headquarters what is happening in the European subsidiaries...
Whenever you sense doubt or worry in a Japanese busines person you are meeting for the first time, do not hesitate to introduce your credentials....
Frequently, behavior that is tolerated in Japan is considered inappropriate in the U.S. Although only a small minority of Japanese businessmen engage in such behavior, when problems do happen...
In Japan, a subordinate would not consider his supervisor making changes to his work to be insulting at all. There is not the same sense of personal ownership of...
“Recognizing our responsibilities as industrialists, we will devote ourselves to the progress and development of society and the well- being of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing the quality...
The Japanese point out ugly weld seams on the machines, saying their customers are not happy with the way the machines look. The Americans point out some new innovation...
If we approached the communication between the Japanese and Americans in our organizations with the same open spirit and common sense, we could increase our communication productivity and avoid misunderstandings....
Information exchange and confidentiality are highly influenced by cultural factors. Understanding these cultural differences can prevent misunderstanding and suspicion....
Why losing your company laptop can be a really big deal in corporate Japan....