In Japan…Perfectionism or Standard?
The Japanese point out ugly weld seams on the machines, saying their customers are not happy with the way the machines look. The Americans point out some new innovation...
The Japanese point out ugly weld seams on the machines, saying their customers are not happy with the way the machines look. The Americans point out some new innovation...
Predictability is often what is most lacking when dealing with people from overseas or spending time in other countries...
While exchange of favors and mutual aid are common to all cultures, there are some differences in the way Japanese and Americans view these things....
Learning a new language is only the beginning—then we have to figure out what people mean by the words they say in that other culture, and it isn’t always easy....
Japanese take very seriously the concept of personal responsibility. When westerners refuse to apologize and instead dwell on all the extenuating circumstances that caused the problem, Japanese view this...
When risk-averse people like the Japanese feel that they need more information, they tend to stall…Thus, many Americans who work with Japanese firms wonder, how can we get the company...
Oseibo is one of Japan's two traditional gift-giving seasons. Has it been supplanted by Christmas?...
Masses of people are everywhere in Japan, and even though the Japanese tend to be quieter than Americans, when you get a lot of them together it can’t help but...
Japanese customers prefer products that are “high-performance.” This tendency explains, for example, why Japanese consumer electronics products are often so complex. The various extra features are a delight...
Modesty is a virtue in Japanese business and social settings...