A good time for companies to renew and refresh...
Europeans often ask me if it is worth trying to learn Japanese. I usually say yes, but that it is important to have realistic expectations. Adults who have...
Predictability is often what is most lacking when dealing with people from overseas or spending time in other countries...
I don’t happen to have children, but I imagine that if I did I wouldn’t need a recorded voice to tell me that I needed to hold their hands on...
Japanese companies have mixed feelings about their decision-making processes. Employees will admit that the process is quite frustrating at times, and it seems that some Japanese businesspeople regard how...
There is a tremendous linguistic gap between the Japanese language and English....
Different structures and incentives of the business environments in Japan and the U.S. also have a major impact on attitudes toward risk. Americans are comfortable charging forward even if...
When risk-averse people like the Japanese feel that they need more information, they tend to stall…Thus, many Americans who work with Japanese firms wonder, how can we get the company...