You may think this detracts from the appeal of the presentation, but if your audience includes people who are not comfortable with English, prefer group based decision-making and don't like...
Next time you need to make a proposal to a Japanese person, see if you can draw it first....
One of the ways to make sure that your meeting has been an effective one is to end with a clear conclusion. A good way to tie up the...
Often Japanese sit quietly in the meeting and do not offer their opinions...
As each part of the organization is listened to and its needs addressed through one-on-one discussions and small meetings, decisions are made by group consensus…it’s difficult to get something accepted...
At some point, the group has to narrow down its options. The suspension of judgment that prevailed during brainstorming is now over, and it’s necessary to start weeding out...
There’s not much point to having a meeting if nobody shows up. How can you make sure that people choose to come to your meeting? Today, people have...
It’s necessary to make sure that all the meeting participants are in agreement on what exactly has been decided or accomplished and that everyone knows what they need to do...
In order to make these meetings go smoothly, it’s important to plan for them carefully....